This is where it all begins. The raw material for our salt production is sea water drawn from the Atlantic Ocean using steel pipes which have been laid about 80 meters in the sea.
Panbros produces its pure salt using Solar evaporation which is the most traditional and natural way of harvesting nature’s finest crystals. Additionally, the pristine Gulf of Guinea’s waters provide Panbros with exceptional raw material with which to produce premium salt, with the perfect salinity density of 3.5º baume.

It all begins with capturing ocean water in shallow ponds and allowing the sun to evaporate most of the liquid through the use of wind power. Thus, sun and wind work together to evaporate the water, leaving behind the brine from which Panbros salt is extracted. Residues or impurities that might be found in the brine are drained and the salt is purified before harvesting.
The brine is later moved sequentially through different evaporation ponds, in order to achieve a high level of concentration of sodium chloride in the raw salt. The sequential moving of the brine also allows for unwanted elements such as calcium and magnesium to be eliminated. When dry, the salt has a sodium chloride level of 95-97%. Once refined, it can reach optimal sodium chloride levels of 98 to 991`2% on a dry basis.